
Sample MIT App Inventor projects

Link Description
./APCSPStroopExample The APCSPStroopExampleapp illustrates all aspects of the APCS-P requirements for the Create Performance Task:
• List storing and access used to manage the complexity of the program;
• A procedure w/ a parameter that is called from different places with different values and whose behavior varies based on the value of the parameter; and
• An algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and repetition.
./BlankTemplate The BlankTemplate app is a template for any MIT App Inventor app.
./CaesarVigenereCipherTemplate The CaesarVigenereCipherTemplate app template is an enhancement to the APCSP Mobile 6.5 Caesar cipher app that includes a Vigenère cipher.
./ImageSize The ImageSize app demonstrates the delay between changing the size of an Image or Canvas and the dimensions actually changing.
./RecursionTemplate The RecursionTemplate app is a template for implementing recursive functions to calulate factorial, Fibonacci number, and combinations.
./Reorient The Reorient app demonstrates the delay between changing the Screen1 orientation and the Screen1 dimensions actually changing.
./SecretWord The SecretWord app is a speech-recognition app that mirrors the secret word of You Bet Your Life (1950–1960) with Groucho Marx.

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